Macroeconomic analysis of Japan

Allan John
7 min readFeb 2, 2021


This analysis contains data on exports, imports, GDP, and other data to paint a brief picture of the happenings in the tradition-rich country between the year 2009 and 2019. This also aims at depicting the amazing capabilities of the country espcially when it comes to the maneging it’s way back from disaster.


Japan is a land popular for especially fast-growing technology and overall capabilities as an Island nation. Although these aren’t the only it’s known, and not to mention the tonnes of the popular manga and animated entertainment over which millions of people fall over, and popular techs and gadgets for gamers and firms, for the automobile industry and the cuisines as well.

Although these do make Japan popular what makes it unique is its economic capabilities, the data collected for this analysis mainly includes data from 2009 to 2019, this is to keep in mind the tsunamis and earthquakes that the country faced during the decade and how extraordinarily it keeps standing up again.

Just to recount the events that happened in the particular decade goes on range from earthquakes and tsunamis and other in 2009, 2011, 2019, and also a few nuclear explosions from the Fukushima Daiichi power plant explosion causing several damages not only to property but also to human lives due to radiation. An earthquake in 2020 did take place as well but for the sake of the research data only from 2009 to 19 has been taken. It is quite common for countries to take quite a long time to recover from disasters such as this and in fact, India is itself one such country to face all these problems although the only difference is that India isn’t a small island country. But that speaks a lot of possible capabilities of the country.

As of 2017 reports Japan is the fourth major contributor to the world GDP and according to reports and reports it grows steadily. Although the noticing fact about the country is the commonness of net exports to grow negatively, mainly as mentioned before there is a slight decline in the data from 2017 to 2019, which show an important traditional change for the country.

Gross domestic product, Gross National Product, and National Income.

The Gross Domestic Product is growing steadily over the last four years, also the other statistics from the world bank data suggest that several boosters are responsible for this including a steady rise in employment and income. Which is depicted by the increase in per capita income as well. The steady increase in income also has affected several other issues such as the consumption of goods and services. This has also affected production and consumption. Surprisingly the majority of the consumption occurs mainly during disasters and drops during the times when the disasters reduced, as mentioned earlier the earthquake in 2009 led to a consumption of nearly 79.125% of GDP, and in 2010 the numbers drop straight 77.242%; similarly, during 2011 the consumption raised to 78.44% and then reaches to the highest of 79.126% in 2013 before falling to the lowest in 2017 with 75.06%. This is the simple case of the rising cost of living due to scarcity of resources during the crisis point of this elegant country. Other interesting cases come. Although 2019 sees a rise in consumption percentage it can be mainly targeted to the global economic slowdown which is faced globally by every country and with the advent of COVID-19 the whole story changes.

The next important factor for a country in the National Income, National income according to theory includes all financial aspects of the country both within and outside the borders of the country. The national income graph shows a similar kind of growth rate as the GDP.

The National income shows the growth in financial assets and a report of 2019 shows the 1903 trillions yen worth of increase in family financial assets. This can also be put on the gain in income for the citizens of Japan. Also being known as a land of technological breakthroughs it’s no surprise that the most preferred job in Japan is that in the IT department right after which is engineers, bankers, and analysts. Another interesting job was that was seen as most preferred was that of an English tutor. It seems quite outlandish as to why would such a country prefer a foreign language, but the fact that English is the most widely spoken language does come with its perks, added perspective is that Japan encourages its student to pursue higher education in foreign countries and earn a job in the mother country which brings a wide range of perspectives to the country in foreign interactions.

The next important factor is that of the Gross National Product, which by theory means the Gross national value of all the final goods and services produced by the normal residents of a country during a period of one year. The data sets here holds one key difference from National Income that is depreciation. Depreciation is the value that is assigned to a good due to a reduction in quality over a period of time. The factor that differentiates it from GDP is the net factor income from abroad. This can be in terms of foreign-invested capital and assets outside the country, this GNP is usually lesser than GDP unless Income from abroad is received in negative. The extensive policies of Japan’s trade with the U.S have definitely made an impact on this part and also the several exports of technology from companies like sony also play a huge part n the income. Another thing that GNP data tells is that 2012 the year which had the highest with the value being 6219.08 million dollars. While the whole world was going through the wall street crash Japan gained the most of it while many investments suffered the country gained and surfed its way to safety while recovering from tragedies of the previous year of 2011. Another fact is that 2015 had been the lowest in this period torrential rain had caused flash floods leading to loss of livelihoods for many.

Trades, exports, and imports.

The exports and imports data of Japan shows plenty of important things such as the support and other things the country imports which normally countries import, it includes food articles to minerals, visibly the country hasn’t been stopped by its minimal resources and has also managed to export several goods. As explained the

graph shows the higher rates of imports than exports, usually this is considered as a bad condition for the country due to the loss of foreign currency which affects the domestic currency as well but net exports tell a different story, according to it the there has been more export value than imports, The only region where the net exports fall to negative is the are from the beginning of 2011 and falls from 2015, by now the events in those particular years in clear, but the other important factor is that the country exports its highly valued goods across for more value preserving the value of the domestic currency and thus it was also able to manage itself during the crisis years, and give a real story like a set of data in all the above-mentioned cases.


fascinated by the culture and tradition of the country always is inspiring and the fact that a small country can hold a lot of capability, not only that but numbers tell a story too, and it always is interesting to research a small island which has a total area of 377,975 square kilometers. Japan has a progressive economy and thus everyone can expect a great deal from this country.



Allan John

Student, Love music and also big fan of philosophical topics